Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

30 July, 2007

More bloggy goodness

Just a few blogospheric FYIs. First, for all those readers who've come to know and love AFT's FACE agenda, they've just launched a new blog to discuss the issues facing academia that gave rise to FACE, as well as possible solutions. Check it out, and tell 'em wobs sent you.

On second thought, don't tell them I sent you. In fact, please don't bring me up at all. It'll be better for everyone that way. >wink<

And for those of you who'll be near a computer terminal on Wednesday, August 1, go check out Firedoglake at 1:30 PM EDT (10:30 PDT for you Left Coasters). Some folks you know have wrangled a spot for their writing. Much hilarity will ensue in the comments. Or some serious discussion. But do check it out.
