Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

01 October, 2006

Jackass bike riders

I'm saying this as a person who covers the majority of his miles using pedal power. I happen to be a big fan of traffic laws, as they tend to keep my bicycling ass from being pasted across the pavement. So a few words to jackass bike riders:
  • Riding your bike up onto the sidewalk does not suddenly make you a pedestrian with the right of way. Follow the stop sign at the busy 4-way intersection like everyone else.
  • The bike lane on a one-way street is still one-way. Don't come cruising down the wrong direction like you own the lane, especially when you push me and my bike trailer with my kid in it out into traffic to avoid your stupid ass.
  • Rolling stops are fine when there's no traffic around. Rolling through a stop sign and waving at the car who has the right-of-way who had to brake hard to avoid your idiotic stunt? Stupid.
  • Talking on your cellphone while driving is stupid and unsafe. Talking on your cellphone while biking in a busy part of town is one of the few things that tops it.
Thanks for your time. I'll now return you to your regularly scheduled rant.
