Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

29 September, 2006


So certain events have got me down.

I wonder how the average German felt when they realized that Hitler was out of control. They all just wanted to feel safe and secure, to feel good about themselves, and one day they woke up and were in a world they could no longer control, realizing they were powerless against the most efficient regime of brutality ever seen. Did the average men and women collectively reach that point? Or did they sleepwalk their way into calamity?

Our elected officials just had a debate on some of the fundamental principles upon which this nation was built. The right to a fair trial, to be judged by a jury of one's peers. To face your accuser. To see the evidence against you. To not be tortured. These things were up for debate. And then 65 of our elected officials - including 11 Dems - voted against these fundamental principles.

I, of course, have known for a long time that we as a nation have never lived up to these principles, but I always thought they were worthwhile ideals for which we should strive. Now our government has given up even the pretense of striving for these goals.

So much taken away; so little will be gained.

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