Flotsam and jetsam
In no particular order:
- For the longest time, I've considered myself loyal to "the movement." However, recent events have made me re-realize that any sort of reified movement is only as good as the people in it, and that my loyalty is to those people, not any abstraction. And dammit, I'm loyal to some good peeps.
- The l'il wobs and I were cooking some shrimp on the grill this evening when he turns to me and says, "Dada, you're the coolest." I can't tell you how indescribably cool that is.
- I watched people who I've worked with - some as long as four years - go out and sign-up 81 new union members today. Not only sign them up, but in many instances, get them excited about the GTFF. I can't tell you how indescribably cool that is.
- If wendy g doesn't keep up at least semi-regular blog and comment maintenance, I'm going to have to go out to Iowa and occupy her couch. I'm willing to be a militant couch occupier - I was once a hippie, you know - so don't make me.
- This is not only disturbing, I think it's child abuse (via echidne):
- I also love how they set up the "secular feminist" as some outlandish extremist who somehow serves as a counterbalance to the wingnuts.
- Pattyjoe is very nearly homeward bound, and we can't wait to have him back. Here's to Saturday and hot gossip action. Pajo also gets the thumbs-up for providing a new sub-title to spruce up ye olde medulla noodle, and gets the extra bonus points for the "I Know You Rider" reference in a recent post
- I'm plowing through Krakatoa, but I gotta say, Winchester's prose is maddeningly baroque and digressive at points. Still, a fascinating read.
- The funniest blog on the internets. Seriously, I laugh out loud at most of these posts, especially his running commentary on Mary Worth. Bloggy genius that you should bookmark and read everyday.
- I'm planning on getting back on a more consistent blogging schedule next week. Until then, you'll have to content yourself with...

Labels: Flotsam and Jetsam, Screech
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