Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

15 August, 2006

Hope for the future

During the 1990s, I refused to be involved with the Democratic Party because I objected very strenuously to the neo-liberal project of structuring "free trade" regimes. My drifting back into the party had more to do with my own coming to grips with political realities in the United States than any perceived change in the Democratic postion on neoliberalism, but when I read folks like atrios, I get the sense that things may be changing for the better:
Joking aside, many of us once-"sensible liberals" bought into the neoliberal 90s paradigm to some degree, and now that we've seen the consequences - both in terms of its politics and its ultimate policy outcomes - we've come to realize that much of it is in many ways Very Bad.
In that post, Duncan links to a great piece discussing how economic populism - as well as some good, old-fashioned dialectical materialism - is finding its way back into the American Left.
