Light blogging for the next few days

Blogging is going to be relatively light for the next few days. We're headed to the Great White North for the COCAL conference. I'm excited about getting a sense of what goes on with part-time faculty organizing. If higher ed unionism is going to grow, it's going to be with this crowd, and I'm curious to see how up-to-the-task the movement is right now. I'm also looking forward to being able to attend one of these professional conferences with the family, who will be tagging along to get some quality tourism time in Vancouver. And I'm looking forward to a mojito made with real Cuban rum, and maybe a Cuban cigar. A cheap (but not the cheapest!) Cuban cigar, to be sure.
But I'm also facing the very real possibility of returning home to a drastically different environment. Lots of people are on the move, some already gone, and my world is the sadder for it. So even if I'm just not seeing/blogging/chatting with you folks for four days or seven weeks or some indeterminate amount of time, know that I'm thinking of you.
I hope your interview went well and you have a blast... ok, a tolerable time in Philly.
I hope your stint doing honest work out on the prairies of the Midwest inspires you, and if you need my advice - work smart.
I hope you made it to Iowa City ok and that those UE'ers know how good they have it.
I hope all is well and spirits are high as you wait to meet your wee one. We're all very excited for you!
I hope you discover post-doctoral stability... all of you (you know who you are).
Be well, and I'll check-in when I can.
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