Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

23 August, 2006

GTFF-style branding

French politicians shamelessly rip-off one of the GTFF's lesser known branding ideas:
Light aircraft trailing banners for the party have been flying past beaches for eight weeks, while navy blue caravans have pulled up at almost 40 resorts to hand out free headrests, T-shirts and condoms decorated with the initials UMP. Red, blue and white flip-flops, which leave the initials UMP imprinted in sand, have already become collectors' items among some at the beach. But the most popular are the condoms, supplies of which are running out. One entrepreneur has advertised a set of 12 for €50 (£34) online.
I'm tempted to deliver a hardy "We told you so" to the naysayers from that time, but instead I'll simply say that, given the success of our Gallic colleagues, we should re-consider this as an idea for GTFF swag.