Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

21 April, 2006

Trashy celebrity news

I honestly don't know why I read this garbage. Why the hell do I care about what Tom Cruise does? Why do I dislike him so much? And then I read the piece and find little snippets like this:
Details about the birth weren’t disclosed, but it had been planned to take place as a silent procedure under the tenets of the Church of Scientology, to which both Cruise and Holmes belong.

Scientologists believe words spoken during times of pain are recorded by the “reactive mind” and can cause potential problems for both mother and child.

What kind of twisted pseudo-psychological anti-woman ritual is this? Why was Tom fucking Cruise making decisions about anyone's birth? Does he know something that women, typically the ones who, you know, give birth, don't about the deep psychological impact of the event? Letting any man control the details of one of your most intimate life experiences seems like it should be a non-starter for most people, but let Tom fucking Cruise do it? You have got to be kidding me.

Is there that significant a difference, generally speaking, in the way that Tom fucking Cruise and the Church of Scientology controls Katie Holmes' body (and presumably the bodies of other female church members) and the manner in which women's bodies in South Dakota are being controlled by the state?