Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

19 April, 2006

Better than the book?

The Guardian is seeking to discover the best film adaptation of a written work and has come up with a short list of 50 films - and a pretty good list at that.

My top 10 from the list, in no particular order:Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (the original with Gene Wilder, natch), A Clockwork Orange, Bladerunner, Fight Club, Get Shorty, Apocalypse Now, The Jungle Book, The Outsiders, The Maltese Falcon, and Trainspotting.

I'm curious as to why Brokeback Mountain (based on the short story "Close Range") was included from recent films, but not Capote (based on the incomparable In Cold Blood). A one-film-per-author policy, perhaps (Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's was already included)?

Anyways, take a look and tell me what you think.