Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

18 April, 2006

Overprivileged brat of the day

If I were a spoiled heiress and amateur porn star, I could probably get a recording deal too:
The Times pop music writer Chris Lee, who listened to four tracks, reported that Hilton has “a competent, kittenish singing voice” that in one cut is played against a background of orgasmic squeals and suggestive panting that makes it sound like “the musical companion to her sex tape.”

This sort of comment has probably long stopped bothering Hilton, who says, “I am so happy to have so much success. The album is sexy and fun and you will want to dance to it. People will see that I am talented. I think people like me because I am very real myself and I lead an exciting life. There is no one like me. I am unique."
Ooooooookaaaaaaaay. And, without even the slightest hint of irony, Paris utters this gem to little girls who may one day aspire to waste precious oxygen as rich dimfeebs:
“I worked hard for all this. I tell girls that if you basically work hard all your dreams will come true.”
Ah yes, living the American dream, ain't we Paris?
