Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

15 April, 2006

Defending rapists

Michael Savage is a douchebag, and an incredible fucking idiot, taboot:
During the April 11 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, Michael Savage referred to the woman who alleged she had been raped at a party attended by members of the Duke University lacrosse team as a "Durham dirt-bag" and "dirty, verminous black stripper" because, according to Savage, she "lied when she said she was raped at a party." Savage's comments came after the results of initial DNA tests did not implicate any member of the Duke team. Declaring that the Duke case is evidence that "the cards are stacked against white males in America" because the "white leadership of America is out to lunch," Savage added: "This is the radical, feminist, lesbian agenda being acted out on our campuses in a witch-hunt manner against these white boys, very much like the socialist communist agenda being acted out on the American stage by the extras called the illegal aliens," whom he also referred to as "brown supremacists."
Uh, that's right. Us poor white males are just being screwed by the Man... erm, the, uh... brown... wo...Man. Jeebus.

Just last week I was lecturing my students about institutionalized inequality, commenting on how individual bigotry seemed to be less tolerated today, and then I have to read about this racist, sexist KKKlown (tip of the beret to the General). Not to be outdone, however, Savage hurls bizarro accusations of racism back at the prosecutor handling the case:
SAVAGE: This DA needs to be thrown out of that city. He is worse than the Ku Klux Klan. He is a modern version of the Ku Klux Klan, which is the "Liberal Klux Klan." The LKK is far worse than the KKK. The "Liberal Klux Klan" is far more dangerous to your survival than the Ku Klux Klan because there are more members of the LKK than there are of the KKK. The LKK is behind the illegal aliens in the streets. The LKK is behind the degeneracy on our television sets. The LKK is behind the prognostication of defeat for the United States of America. They have an agenda, ladies and gentlemen. It is time to throw out the DA and accept that there was no DNA.
Wow. Talk about unhinged.

It's disturbing - but hardly surprising - to see the anti-woman, racist right glom on to what ash mentioned yesterday in the comments: that somehow a lack of damning body fluids means a brutal sexual assault and rape didn't occur, or that wearing a condom (or using any form of contraception for that matter) implies mutual consent, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

It must be a terribly cold, dark place where Michael Savage is, to be that ignorant and hateful.