Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

23 April, 2006

Kirk Cameron: Life is precious and god and the bible

(A very large and exaggerated doffing of the cranial covering to John at C&L)

I vaguely remember hearing rumblings about Kirk Cameron's post-Growing Pains life, that he had found him some Jesus and was sharing Him with whoever would listen. "Wow," I would think to myself. "Was he always into Jesus, or did the excesses of the wholesome family comedy teenage heart-throb lifestyle cause him to hit rock-bottom, all Chuck Colson style."

Well, I have readily available evidence that Kirk Cameron is indeed down with the Prince of Peace, our man, JC, but no clue as to why. But that's neither here nor there, because Kirk Cameron, god's humble servant, endorses this strangely arousing logical proof of intelligent design, using a banana (watch from about the 3:30 to 4:36 marks).

Some may find this little bit of film to be persuasive evidence of an intelligent designer. I however, believe that this is firm evidence that if we share the universe with a transcendent being(s), that said being(s) have a hella wicked sense of humor and are, in general, more likely to agree with many of us, than with their more earnest followers.