Sunday night bambino blogging
Since some of you kids seem to like seeing pictures of l'il wobs, I had figured during the week to begin a regular Sunday night feature to keep y'all apprised of the goings on and growings up of the boy. Besides, what says, "It's almost Punk Rock Monday!" like pictures of little children!
This week, however, is a little bittersweet, and so I'll proffer this inaugural bambino blog of "little friends who are" in memory of "little friends who should have been..."

The wee one on the left is Q., last seen by many of you in Eugene cheering for England (or crying for his bottle, depending on your interpretation) at the GTFF World Cup Extravaganza. Little Q. is, of course, the noble progeny of our friends Mark and Mara. L'il wobs really dug having him around for the weekend. I'm not sure, however, that Q. knew what to make of the whirlwind that was lw.
Labels: bambino blogging, l'il wobs
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