Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

16 August, 2006

Oh brother

When we last checked in with Pamela of Atlas Shrugs infamy, she was busy informing the world of the treasonous bastards at the NYT. We all figured she was a few fries short of a happy meal at the time, but tittered amongst ourselves and got on with our lives.

Her blog for the last week, however, has induced whiplash in this here reader, as she has somehow gained access to international players like former Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and current UN Ambassador John Bolton while simultaneously plumbing some of the most idiotic depths in the wingnut-o-sphere.

Like in this post when she's finally clued in to one of the longest running Google bombs around - so long-running it's the Wikipedia's paradigmatic example - the "miserable failure." Such outrage - a few years too late.

Or how about this post where she gets all a-twitter about a display mannequin wearing a scarf that resembles a Palestinian keffiyeh. She sees Islamofascists everywhere!

Wow. Maybe if I dumb it down and espouse genocidal views, I too can nip at the heels of important somebodies.