Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

20 June, 2006

An unhappy evening for the wee wobs

We've been trying for some time to keep the wee wobs from chasing our old, cranky dog. The lad chases him with his scoot-cycle, runs after him with his toy trucks, and lunges after him with sticks.

Tonight, the old cranky dog had enough and took a nip at the wee wobs. There was a lot of blood and a lot of crying. It was pretty traumatic for everyone involved, but after some direct pressure, soap, water, and salve, a little tylenol, and a lot of hugs and TLC, the wee wobs seems back at 100%. His hand is going to be a little sore for the next few days, but I don't think we'll have to worry about him bothering the dawg any more. It's unfortunate that he had to learn this lesson this way, but I s'pose that's part of growing up.