Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

07 June, 2006


It's sometimes hard to acknowledge being a citizen of the States these days, but then you read a response to this article on the World Cup in the Guardian, and it kinda makes you say - very quietly - "America, fuck yeah!":
I love The Guardian, hate Bush, and deplore American provincialism. But I have to say this: thank your lucky stars that the US doesn't care about football. If our very best athletes were devoted to the sport, you would see something that would make the Brazilian juggernaut pale. Imagine the the speed and grace of Brazil (American football wide receivers) the organization of Germany (after all, Germans are the largest American ethnic group), the innovation of the dread Argies (they are a second rate new world power; imagine what would happen if the American improvisors, the creators of jazz gave a damn about your sport) all wrapped into one team. What would be the result? Perennial US dominance. Please keep bitching about our indifference to "soccer." It's a secret form of prayer, a way of saying, "Thank god the Yanks don't care. Imagine having to carry their water on the pitch the way we do in Basra."

Here's to "not caring" about the World Cup at the GTFF for the next four weeks!