Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

20 November, 2006

Slime time sweeps

Now that O.J. Simpson has crawled out from under his rock, we get to deal with a whole resurgence of unsavory characters from that era. Remember racist cop Mark Fuhrman?:
On the November 16 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, former Los Angeles Police Department detective and Fox News contributor Mark Fuhrman asserted that the type of "people" he "dealt with ... for 20 years" will "kill somebody and go have some chicken at KFC. You will catch them eating chicken and drinking a beer after they just murdered three people." Fuhrman added that "these people are out there. They're all over the place." Fuhrman's comments came during a discussion about O.J. Simpson's controversial new book, If I Did It (ReganBooks), to be released at the end of the month, and upcoming Fox special about the book, in which Simpson apparently describes, hypothetically, how he would have murdered his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman.
Glad to know he's spent the last 10 years engaged in self-reflection and personal improvement.

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