Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

16 October, 2006

Flotsam and Jetsam

To wit:
  • ms. wobs and I went out to see Jackass: Number 2 this evening. If you like your cinema with lots of poo, senseless self-inflicted violence, and men getting kicked in the balls, this is the flick for you. If that's not your cup of tea, it's still pretty fucking funny.
  • A thank you lobbed towards pattyjoe for introducing the Walkmen into my life. Their latest is getting lots of play in the wobs household.
  • I picked up Howard Kimeldorf's Reds and Rackets today, a historical sociology piece which seeks to first understand why the political cultures of East and West Coast longshore workers were/are so incredibly divergent, and then to figure out why socialist ideologies did unexpectedly take root in certain segments of the American working class.
Short and sweet.
