Every now and again at dKos, someone checks the old site meter and has a minor freakout over someone with or domain listings "monitoring" the blogosphere, rather than reaching the more logical conclusion of some cube jockey wasting time when s/he should be doing something more important like, say, catching terrorists. I've had show up on my site meter via some random Google search (not for "boobs," much to my disappointment). It'd be pretty silly to think that the gubmint would be monitoring little old me, or at the very least that monitoring the steaming pile of shit that is oftentimes my contribution to social commentary would provide any sort of enlightenment about, well, anything.
Now, a question for you readers and lurkers: at least one of you chooses to browse my humble little blog through a service which hides your IP address. Why? Why would you not want me to know who you are? Do you believe I'm tech-savvy enough to find out? Because I'm not - the only IP addresses that I can match up with names are from folks who leave comments, and as I've indicated before, there's not that many of you commenting to help my blog reach its full potential. Ahem.
Moreover, even if you did leave a comment with your real IP address, but with a pseudonym, unless I knew of your on-line life, or unless you left enough clues about your real life in your comment, I still wouldn't know who you are.
So why so shy?

Let's all stare at our navels...
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