Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

26 April, 2006

Welcome new readers

So, the word on the street is that there's a whole scad of new folks popping in every now and again to read my screeds. A hearty and hale welcome to you. As to what my goal is with this blog, I'd first refer you to my inaugural post, to which I've somehow stayed true. Of course, when your target is the broadside of a barn, it's kind of hard to miss.

And while y'all are here, would it kill you to leave a comment every now and again? I do read them, and oftentimes respond. But right now, it seems that the only folks who are commenting are former presidents of the GTFF (and one potential future former president) and the occassional random passers-by. Not really what we'd call a "broad cross-section" of the readership, eh? So say "hi" every now and again, or even "you suck, jerkwad!", because then, at least I know you're reading and not just being sorely disappointed by finding this crap when you google searched "boobs".

At any rate, thank you all for reading. I hope that you find this entertaining (in the first), and at least mildly informative. Join in the scream therapy when it suits you.