Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

01 November, 2006

Missing the point

The WaPo reports on yet another study which demonstrates the benefits of drinking red wine for one's health. Leave it to a fuddy-duddy molecular biologist at Harvard to draw the exact wrong conclusion:
"We've been looking for something like this for the last 100,000 years, and maybe it's right around the corner -- a molecule that could be taken in a single pill to delay the diseases of aging and keep you healthier as you grow old," said David A. Sinclair, a Harvard University molecular biologist who led the study. "The potential impact would be huge."
The correct response, of course, would've been: "We've been looking for something like this for the last 100,000 years, and it's been under our noses this whole time! So drink up, friends!" Leave it to science to take something that's good on its own and put it in pill form, thus removing all the fun. The bastards did the same thing with pot when they formulated synthetic THC in the form of marinol.

