Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

08 November, 2006

I really, really, really, really, really hate Moby

I hate his music. I hate his look. I hate his "partied like a rock-star" self-mythologizing. I hate his self-righteousness. I hate the stupid, stupid, stupid things he says (scroll down to the bottom):
Techno musician Moby says that if he ever has children, he hopes they’re gay. “They are less likely to get into a fight and less likely to date rape people,” the musician says, reports WENN. “I’m straight but I’ve grown up around gay people and gay clubs. They are superior to straight people. If you have a gay child you’re more inclined to be a prouder parent.”

How should we combat the oversimplified moral stereotypes of the religious right? According to Moby, with our own equally inane assertions of human - or "gay" - nature. And how about his dismissive attitude towards same-sex sexual assault?

Ugh! Let's please never trot out Moby as a spokesperson for left-wing anything ever again!

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