Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

04 July, 2006

Someone's off his meds again

How David Horowitz became the right-wing "go-to guy" on higher education is a mystery to me. The man can barely express a coherent thought. His response to the recent contrived controversy surrounding the NYT's publication of photos of Dick Cheney and Don Rumsefeld's vacation homes barely makes sense. Let's take the last paragraph:
The main security concern in my mind in writing the piece was not al-Qaeda but deranged cranks whipped into a frenzy by the reckless hatred directed at the Bush Administration by the left from Michael Moore and Huffington Post to Ted Kennedy and Al Gore.
So let's be clear: Horowitz isn't worried in the least about the folks who managed to crash multiple passenger jets into buildings, but he can barely sleep knowing someone might be a bit angry after seeing Al Gore's Powerpoint presentation - I mean movie - and motivated to take action. Does that qualify as whipped into a frenzy? Am I to believe that the man who was described in 2000 as "wooden" and "boring" is now stoking the revolutionary aspirations of *ahem* Democrats? But little Davey H. is just gettin' warmed up!
Anyone remember John Muhammad, the DC sniper? So far as we know, he a lone individual ginned up on the passions of the times.
Did I miss something in this trial? Honestly, because I really wasn't paying it much attention - did Horowitz assert that John Muhammed and his accomplice went on a killing spree after viewing Farenheit 9/11 or reading a particularly snarky Harry Shearer post at HuffPo? No? I'll let Dave clarify what he means:
For those who don’t catch my meaning, consider this email I received today – one among many that I receive virtually every day:
Okay, so apparently David Horowitz receives e-mail on a daily basis. Apparently one of them is a fairly nasty screed against Israel, going so far as to wish for the Iranian president to succeed in his wish to annihilate the Israelis. Whether he receives a lot of e-mails like this is unclear from his ramblings. Nor is it clear that isn't a clever troll feeding Horowitz's nasty outrage habit.

And really, it isn't clear what that e-mail has to do with John Muhammed. Was he driving around the DC area killing Jews? Were the random acts of violence he perpetrated expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian people? Is Horowitz saying that because I think he's a complete dingbat and that the Bush Administration is a bunch negligent, corrupt nincompoops, I'm going to go out and start shooting random passers-by?

What the fuck is this man talking about?

And again, why are the big money conservatives like the Scaifes funding this guy? If they're going to try to combat the big, mean liberals in higher education, wouldn't they want someone who could win an argument with a second grader?