Talkin' trash to the garbage around me.

13 May, 2006

They really, really hate him

CNN has this fluff bit comparing the current public perceptions of Clinton's and W.'s presidencies:
Respondents favored Clinton by greater than 2-to-1 margins when asked who did a better job at handling the economy (63 percent Clinton, 26 percent Bush) and solving the problems of ordinary Americans (62 percent Clinton, 25 percent Bush).
As I've mentioned before, people perceived - both then and now - that life under Clinton wasn't so bad. Here's what I found really interesting:
When asked which man was more honest as president, poll respondents were more evenly divided, with the numbers -- 46 percent Clinton to 41 percent Bush -- falling within the poll's margin of error. The same was true for a question on handling national security: 46 percent said Clinton performed better; 42 percent picked Bush.
The Philanderer-in-Chief out-polls Mr. 29% on the issue of honesty - which, by all means Bush would've run away with four years ago, before people learned that they'd been taken in by Bush's contrived piety. And, Clinton outpolls Bush's performance on what is perceived to be the current president's strong suit - despite all of the ills in the world having been caused by Bill Clinton! Finally:
Moreover, 59 percent said Bush has done more to divide the country, while only 27 percent said Clinton had.
Anyway you slice it, Bush comes out looking putrid - incompetent, dishonest, a failure. An no one likes a failure, especially an arrogant failure.